Spelling words

Spelling words

Guess Who-

Week 1

at, hat, cat, can, cap, tap, map mad, a the

Week 2 

am, ham, had, bad, bag, rag, cap, mad, up, go

Week 3 

in, pin, pig, wig, pig, win, fin, am, pan, yes, and

High frequency words:make, they, walk

Week 4

pick, pack, tack, back, sack, sick, big, is, they, walk

High frequency words:help, now, play, too, want

Week 5

hot, hop, pop, pot, dot, not, back, pick, now, want

High frequency words:don't, of, so

Week 6

all, call, fall, wall, ball, tall, on, not, so, of

High frequency words:buy, that, very, where
Catch a Dream

Week 7

hen, pen, men, ten, end, send, all, call, very, that

High frequency words:day, every, her, say, was, with

Week 8
then, them, this, that, path, with, men, set, was, said

High frequency words:could, friends, new, put, she, use

Week 9

us, bus, bug, rug, mug, must, with, then, she, use

High frequency words:he, night, out, people, says, when

Week 10

sing, sang, hang, rang, ring, bring, bus, must,your, when

High frequency words:eat, from, gone, grows, or, two

Week 11

or, for, corn, cork, fork, more, hang, ring, two, from

High frequency words:be, good, Mr. need, our, right, saw, time, try

Week 12

ship, shop, shot, wish, dish, dash, for, more, be, try

High frequency words:away, food, funny, hide, how, many, some, their
Here and There

Week 13

chip, chin,inch, itch, catch, match, wish, shop, how, many

High frequency words:air, animals, around, fly, live soon, turns

Week 14

far, farm, arm, art, cart, card, chin, inch, live, soon

High frequency words:city, house, sometimes, take, there

Week 15

quit, quick, quiz, whiz, which, when, arm, card,who, there

High frequency words:about, books, by, family, grew, read, work, writing

Week 16

sir, dirt, bird, burn, fur, her, quit, when, work, grew

High frequency words:find, follow, found, full, these, way, were

Week 17

middle, fiddle, wiggle, giggle, puddle, cuddle,fur, bird, were, four

High frequency words:each, great, other, place, school, talk, together

Week 18

low, bow, row, road, soap, boat, wiggle, middle, talk, school

High frequency words:door, kind, made, who, would

Time Together

Week 19

me, mean, bean, be, beet, feet, low, road, who,door

High frequency words:also, anything, know, moved, only, room, should, those, write

Week 20

came, game, gate, late, lake, take, feet, me, know, also

High frequency words:country, Earth, over, special, town, world

Week 21

jelly, belly, bunny, funny, furry, hurry, take,came, world, over

High frequency words:above, different, hold, old, warm, water, years

Week 22

nine, line, like, bike, bite, while, funny, hurry, warm, water

High frequency words:because, cook, front, listen, most, picture, why, young

Week 23

ice, nice, rice, race, face, space, like, nine, why, most

High frequency words:almost, always, does, even, once, pretty, say, sound

Week 24

cow, how, now, down, out, round, nice, face, does, once

High frequency words:any, Dr., busy, care, eight, took

Week 25

my, fly, by, why, sky, try, out, now, any, eight

High frequency words:again, blue, high, love, opened, hello

Week 26

bone, cone, code, rode, rose, those, my, try, again, blue

High frequency words:another, change, field, touch, twelve, wait, wild

Gather Around

Week 27

high, night, light, right, might, bright, rode, those, touch, twelve

High frequency words:nothing, thought, flew, join, learn, wonder, afraid

Week 28

day, say, sail, pail, pay, play, right, high, learn, join

High frequency words:cold, sure, caught, hurried, near, son 

Week 29

find, kind, mind, mild, child, wild, day, play,sure, son

High frequency words:both, during, ready

Week 30

old, fold, told, cold, roll, most, find, child, both, during

High frequency words:clues, detective, floor, nature, piece, pulls 

Week 31

age, page, cage, badge, budge, fudge, old, most, floor, piece

High frequency words:angry, nearly, okay, sorry

Week 32
tube, cube, cute, use, rule, huge, page, fudge,angry, sorry

High frequency words:bought, few, boy, head, read 

Week 33

lead, head, bread, read, ready, heavy, rule, use, few, boy

High frequency words:afternoon, carry, hours, parents, bicycle

Week 34

cool, tool, toot, tooth, booth, boot, read, head, carry, hours

High frequency words:against, careful, fire, shook, carefully